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Pretty Little Thing: For Fashion Savvy Women

Written by Admin Nonhlahla


Posted on August 24 2020

Are you sick and tired of the same old styles, brought to you by the same old brands? Here at #fbo, we understand you, which is why we are constantly on the lookout for the newest and hottest labels that the world of fashion has to offer! This is why we have Pretty Little Thing in stock.

Pretty Little Thing is one of the most popular new labels at the moment and as South Africa’s leading fashion #brandoutlet, we are very proud to have this brand in stock!

Pretty Little Thing is one of the UK’s most popular labels, with its target audience being teenage girls, students, and young women. The label itself is owned by a holding company, the Boohoo Group, which has offices in the USA, UK, France, Australia, and Ireland. As a proudly British label, they have headquarters in both London and Manchester (with a satellite branch and a US presence in Los Angeles).

pretty little thing dress

This trending brand could be 2020’s best-kept secret, and it is easy to understand why. Their range of clothing is well-fitting, comfortable, and incredibly stylish with extremely close attention to detail and the very best quality. That being said, although their clothing is made to last, their prices are surprisingly competitive, and you will be hard-pressed to find the same quality at the same exceptional prices elsewhere.

Pretty Little Thing has a strong emphasis on individuality, and their garments can easily be mixed and matched so that you can create your own, one-of-a-kind look that will be the envy of all your friends and family. In fact, their clothing range comes directly off the catwalks, and Pretty Little Thing fans love their gorgeous colors and cuts.

In terms of sizes, the Pretty Little Thing brand provides garments for those who are sizes 4 to 16. In addition, they have a tall range with sizes varying from 6 up until 16. For those with a fuller figure, Pretty Little Thing has items in sizes 16 to 24.

Would you like to know more about the Pretty Little Thing label? Come and have a look at what we have on the rack in our #brandoutlets.

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