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Why River Island is the most well-loved, high street fashion brand

Written by Admin Nonhlahla


Posted on August 24 2020

If you are a fashion-conscious person then you should know something about the brand, River Island, which is one of the UK’s most well-loved and trusted brands.

If not, don’t stress. This article takes a look at the brand River Island.

Where it all began.

The River Island brand itself began several decades ago in the United Kingdom and focused mainly on selling popular high street fashion. From its inception, River Island soon became the go-to fashion store for many young Brits as it sells a very wide range of attractive styles at low prices.

The value the brand offers.

Although their prices have always been highly affordable, this does not mean that the quality of the River Island brand is in any way inferior to that of other brands. River Island is today considered as a “high street fashion designer brand” as it features trending garments that come straight off the catwalks. The brand is about fast fashion and being on-trend.

river island dress

Where can you buy River Island?

River Island is sold in over 18 countries throughout the world and we are super happy that we have this iconic brand on our shelves here at #fbo. River Island clothing and accessories will be available from our #outlets as well as in our online shop.

river island dress

The River Island Range.

When it comes to clothing, River Island’s range has always been incredibly stylish and wearable. Their biggest brand advocates are students, young professionals and those under the age of 30. That being said, the brand still appeals to people of all ages and their fan base includes the vast scope of followers, from young to old. There is something for everyone with the River Island brand!

river island dress

What makes the River Island brand different?

Once you have browsed this range of clothing and accessories, you will notice that their items are all innovative, colorful, exciting and playful. They have a gorgeous product offering that ranges from jeans, jackets, party dresses to corporate wear and casual, weekend attire and pretty much something for most occasions.

Of course, River Island still sees itself as a young brand and has plans to become the fashion leader with all young professionals.

Are you a fan of the River Island brand? If so, let us know which items are your favorites and what you plan to buy from this range in the coming season!